These dance classes are designed to help you unplug from the external world and awaken your inner calm.
+ Corporate Wellness Classes
Looking for a new addition to your Wellness Week
offerings? Yoga, meditation and mindfulness are great but did you know that more and more doctors are prescribing dance classes for wellbeing? Dance is one of the most effective ways to unplug from the external world and the internal chatter of your own mind. And it’s fun. Dance Forever can pop up at your Corporate Office or Campus and deliver fast, effective destressing. You’ll finish feeling both relaxed and energized.
+ Executive Presence Dance Classes
90% of our what you communicate is non‐verbal. Having executive impact and influence requires you to be confident and in control of your body language. This class is especially designed for women in leadership roles who want help learning and perfecting effective body language in a fun, supportive environment. Weaving repetitive power poses and impactful hand gestures into dance routines is a great way to reinforce the type of body language necessary to engage an audience and land a point. You’ll leave feeling inspired and empowered.
Interested in more information or booking dance for wellness?
Email Julia@dance-forever.com to learn more!